Trendsletter - Is it hard to imagine the future? Not necessarily..

Hello Reader,

Is it hard to imagine the future?

Did you know that there are several cognitive biases that prevent even predispose humans to not being able to look ahead? Here are a few:

  • The human brain is designed to guide out of immediate danger, so the built-in reflexes are primarily for current events.
  • The human mind (fueled by its ego) is comfortable in the mental paths that are already marked out, so visualizing what has not already happened phew, it's hard for it! 😥

Add to that a layer of virus, a nasty cocktail for lost souls.

How to cure it?

  1. Take today's pulse. The human mind has a certain tendency to live in the past. Clarifying what is going on right now helps you see more clearly (insight).
  2. Accept that we don't know anything about the future (it calms the little spinning mouse)
  3. Train the mind to think further by noting, analyzing, and speculating. Training to do this (and not die) precisely sets a precedent for the mind where it will realize that even if you are going to be sailing in the future it is not a danger for it in the present.

Future Initiatives

To help you flex your futurist reflexes

🚀 FutureMe - send your future self an email

🚀 The Future Normal by Henry Couthinho-Mason - a book written in real time, you can follow the newsletter for what if scenario developments.

🚀 Future Resources - a rallying for womxn startegist by Lydia Caldana, the events compiled are particularly interesting.

🚀 Speculative Futures arrives in Montreal - an initiative that mixes design thinking and shared knowledge to create the society of tomorrow.

In the last trendsletter, I mentionned putting together an impressive updated Trend resources list on a platform that is easier to share in real time. It's out and it's on Notion!


A huge thank you to my intern for the little push to the finish line

The list includes recommendations for Books, Podcasts, Magazines, Newsletters, Accounts and much more, 10 years of expertise in one file! There are even filters that let you know where to get the the publications; resellers and libraries! (in Canada)

On the Agenda

📅 Friday nov. 20th at 13:00 (EST) with PrOnTheGo

Trend forecasting tips for creative entrepreneurs - Instagram Live

📅 Friday Dec. 11th AM - Infopresse, Trends for 2021-2022 (FR)


The schedule is less busy than last month. I have some availability before the holidays to discuss and start new mandates / research. Want to see how we can collaborate?

In case you missed it

📽️ Innovate in times of crisis watch the video - FashionSpectrum (FR)

🔖 Emerging Designers to Watch - Departures

🐌 Zoom on Slow Fashion - Vero Magazine (FR)


Best & Stay safe

P.S. I will be sending my traditional greeting cards shortly. Send me your postal addresses (the office one is more or less useful these days). 💌

Marie-Michele Larivée

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