Trendsletter #4 - These Buzzwords

Happy New Year!! I wish 2021 to be a year full of innovation, inspiration and deep breaths. It was out of breath that we all crossed the end of the year line, hoping for a breeze of freshness for 2021. The wind has not yet turned, but I really wish it! ✨

I personally made the resolution to stop taking shortcuts and stop running at full speed on the highway (metaphorically). In 2021, I am taking the time by contemplating taking the shoulder lane.

It is with these two semantic fields of fresh air and motorway that I introduce the theme of this trendsletter: WORDS


👆Nop, not at all what I am referencing to

I have never said that to anyone.. (except maybe once during a speech at Lasalle College): I obsess over certain words. These words come up a lot, often they echo in my head and in my ear. These words are often signs of an emerging societal attitude taking shape. Here are some of my annual cultural vocabulary obsessions:

2018 - Rhythm which coincided with the increase in discourse around the circadian rhythm following scientific discoveries and Nobel Prize. prix nobel. This is what led to the genesis of my study of the relationship to time by generations.

2019 - Synergy that reminds local, internal and international ecosystems all dependent on each other. Synergy or Sync-energy even the title of the final report developed from ChromaZone Montreal by Color Marketing Group.

2020 - Rituals that took up a lot of space in response to the stressful situation of the pandemic and the loss of usual time markers like synchronicity.

Formulate a trend

At the very beginning, it can be difficult to describe something emerging as a trend given that it has never presented itself as it is before.

A series of trendy titles seen recently in the marketing, fashion and design worlds:

🔤Flux 🔤 Home Body 🔤 Fuel on Water 🔤 B2A 🔤Emotional Economy 🔤Athflow

Trend titles are usually used for synthesis. A good headline shouldn't be too common or too complex to understand. He often combines two worlds to create a new concept evocative of atmosphere. These three methods are often found:

Arrangement of two separate words that emanate the creation of a new universe. ex: Home Body

Better use one word. The word is indicative of the desired mood and is usually highly visual. ex: Flux

Combination of two words (portmanteau) to create a new sound. ex: Athflow


Word Inspiration

🔤 One word a day keep the inspiration flowing? Dictionary word of the day will certainly cultivate your curiosity.

🔤 Portmanteau generator, why not?

🔤 The year in search on Google Trends discover what words were on every keyboard

& for a bit of humor, the pandemic lexicon!

I invite you to reflect in your turn on his words which run through your head and which seem to keep coming back. Intuition usually aligns with hunch. Write down these words, think about them and share them with me!


📅 Week of January 25 Webinar with Speculative future Montreal. Coolhunting, Trends and methodologies seen by two experts (including me)

Follow their social account for the exact date. In the meantime you can visit the Starterkit to familiarize yourself!

📅 March 3rd 13:00 at the DX3 conference - Imagining the future - a collective workshop -> Tickets

Several projects and new collaborations are on the boards for 2021, to include me as a speaker and secure your date, hurry!

In case you missed it

I expressed my love for newsletters and my recommendations on this post for even more words, inspiration and trends in 2021.

👩‍💻 Article - Top 43 newsletter curious minds are reading in 2021 by Estelle Metayer (EN)

🧐 Surviving Style on Economic Times (EN)

À +


Marie-Michele Larivée

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close up photo black Android smartphone

As the year wraps up, we often turn to language to help us make sense of the shifts we’ve lived through. Words of the year, chosen by dictionaries and cultural observers alike, act as snapshots of our collective experiences, anxieties, and aspirations. Today’s trendsetter is the "Word of the Year" (WOTY), but before we dive in, let me wish you a happy next trip around the sun. May it be an insightful and joyful one! From Oxford to Collins to the Australian Dictionary, these words give form to...