This edition was prepared from Montreal where we received more than 74 cm of snow in mid-February. Snow that teams are still working to collect. Because yes, we collect snow in town and place it elsewhere... Because there is no room. A subject that inspired this trendsletter. ❄️❄️ Happy reading 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ In winter, we shovel it, we push it, we export it... as if it were a burden. However, snow could be much more than an obstacle to clear. During a project on the future of Nordicity with the cultural business accelerator La Piscine, a few years ago, I explored this question in depth. Today, I dive back into this fascinating universe with you with great pleasure. In Quebec, the father of Nordicity is Louis-Edmond Hamelin, a geographer who invented the term in the 1960s after exploring the territory, came to the conclusion that the southernmost point of Nordicity is Montreal. STRUCTURE: This newsletter is built using a signal→trends approach: from broad societal movements to emerging micro-initiatives and sources of geographic monitoring are shared below. 2 current trends1️⃣ The rise of Nordic baths 🛁❄️ From the popularity of outdoor spas to the adoption of ice baths, voluntary exposure to the cold is increasingly seen as a tool for well-being and resilience. 2️⃣ Winter cycling on the rise 🚲🌨️ Infrastructure and equipment are adapting, and the practice is becoming a viable winter mode of transportation in several Nordic cities. Winter mobility is also becoming more accepted. Winter weak signalsFrom here and elsewhere, here are some initiatives that are rethinking our relationship with snow and winter:
Where to observe the winter novelty🔎Nordic countries, of course
🇯🇵 Japan which is between traditions and cutting-edge technologies, in particular the city of Hokkaido comes up several times in researches. 🇨🇦 Canada in particular the city of Winnipeg with its annual Warming Huts 🛖 competition and other initiatives such as the aforementioned skate bikes at The Forks too (downtown park). 🇨🇦 These other places where the novelty is hidden in Quebec (province of Canada), in particular:
〰️ 〰️ 〰️ In the pastIn case you missed it. 🎙Marie-Michèle was on the microphone of Votre Samedi, Radio Canada to speak about deconsumption and its related behaviors (FR only) In the future📅 Saturday March 22 between 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. 2025, at the Palais des congrès: Signing for the book Rien de neuf at the Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert 📅 March 24, 25 or 26, 2025 (exact date to be determined) Marie-Michèle will be at Place Alexis Nihon for the pop-up event En Mode surcyclage, Magasine ta solution to repair objects! See you soon, To stay updated, also follow me on social media |
Cette édition a été préparée de Montréal où nous avons reçu plus de 74 cm de neige à la mi-février. Neige que les équipes s'affaire encore à collecter. Parce que oui, on collecte la neige en ville.. Parce qu'il n'y a pas de place. Un sujet qui a inspiré cette trendsletter. ❄️❄️ Bonne lecture 〰️ 〰️ 〰️ L’hiver, on la pelle, on la pousse, on l’exporte… comme si elle était un fardeau. Pourtant, la neige pourrait être bien plus qu’un obstacle à dégager. Lors d’un projet sur l’avenir de la...
As the year wraps up, we often turn to language to help us make sense of the shifts we’ve lived through. Words of the year, chosen by dictionaries and cultural observers alike, act as snapshots of our collective experiences, anxieties, and aspirations. Today’s trendsetter is the "Word of the Year" (WOTY), but before we dive in, let me wish you a happy next trip around the sun. May it be an insightful and joyful one! From Oxford to Collins to the Australian Dictionary, these words give form to...
Alors que l’année touche à sa fin, nous nous tournons souvent vers le langage pour nous aider à donner un sens aux changements que nous avons vécus. Les mots de l’année, choisis par les dictionnaires et les observateurs culturels, agissent comme des instantanés d’expériences, d’anxiétés et d’aspirations collectives. Le WOTF est le sujet d’aujourd’hui du créateur de tendances, mais avant de nous lancer, permettez-moi de vous souhaiter un bon prochain voyage autour du soleil. Je vous souhaite...