Trendsletter #15 - Report, Concept and Color of the year review 📄🕛

Happy New Year!! I wish 2022 to be a year full of innovation, inspiration and deep insight. It was again upside down that we all crossed the end of the year line. I canceled the last trendsletter planned sending dates as it was falling straight onto the holidays.

The beginning of the new year rhymes with resolutions and, in my world, it also rhymes with a lot of predictions about what the upcoming year will bring. Strike of enlightenment, guru thoughts or pure guess? Towards the end of the year already, we start flooding with 2022 predictions and reports rain like no tomorrow.

2022 predictions

Several have already spoken about what the next year has in store

🔔 ​2022 Prediction bingo card by Prediction Consensus - Surveyed experts and compiled the results in this easy to digest visual

🔔 ​Space Cadet's Round up - As always the company puts together the list of all reports to be released

🔔 Pinterest Predicts - Always appreciated and stood out especially this year with interesting trend nouns: Dopamine dressing, Hot Horology, etc..

If you’re looking for my personal prediction about the year to come, you won't find it here. I'd rather use my breath to analyze in deepness and assess with the most informations based on specifics. Feel free to ask me on a specific subject your question and I will guide you in the right direction.

Color of the year

And the same goes for the colors of the year a lot of predictions in hues are released from fall to the new year's date. A rainbow of hues, color palette to counterbalance the uncertainty of the future. Before analyzing the new predictions, I wanted to bring to your attention how unsustainable a color of the year release is if mesures aren't in place to really weight the act. Gladly, ink was also shed this year to point out this problem especially for the leading COTY partner:

👩‍💻 Article - "It's time to reconsider the whole colour of the year carnival" by Michelle Ogundehin on Dezeen

👩‍💻 Article - The Big problem with Pantone's color of the year and why it desperatly needs to be fixed by Sarang Sneth on YankoDesign

I wrote an entire newsletter on color of the year and its ethical issues feel free to revisit it. I would also like start from there to analyze this year's new release (as trends are always an evolution). Here's an extract of my last year's trendsletter on color of the year:

I raised some personality traits and common points emerged among these colors:
Earthy tones . Neutral . Timeless . Subdued . Purple phase *

* Colors (like trends) act on a cycle (or wave). The eye gets tired of certain tones until it is forgotten and returns to it. The company is currently in the lower left phase of the wheel.

Fashionable colors - it exists a tension between offline and online sets in, where high chroma colors echoing the digital world appear every other year. The idea of ​​technology (AI aqua) and mental health come up in all research to develop the color of the year.


This year, there was, again, a lot of purple with Very Peri by Pantone as their color of the year. Unless you aren't in the design field, the news is normally impossible to miss. Also WGSN with Coloro gaves a purple hint to 2022 color of the year with orchid flower. The company has also released it's 2023 color of the year which is digital lavender.

Why Purple? As stated previously color is on a cycle and presently in the purple phase. Purple also has a very deep link and connection with technology. Purple as the potential to be dreamy and makes a great eye popping artificial color. the perfect balance between blue and red of the interne

Therewas also a lot of greens winning in the color of the year challenge, especially in interior paint businesses. We can highlight - Behr which named his Breezeway; Benjamin Moore with October mist and Sherwin Williams with Evergreen Fog. It almost feels like the companies made a group discussion to crown a green winner.

Why Green? It's easy to refer to the calming effect of grounding hues in a very volatile times. Especially in homes and look what companies pick green as their color of the year where there is a much higher number of times spent.

Interestingly enough, also present this year, colors of the year released on the basis of astrology by Valspar and tarot cards made from concept of the year of Yummy colors: Sleepwa[l]kingIn but the rise of keen interest will be kept for a next edition of this newsletter (if you vote for in the quiz)

To plan and best serve your interests in the upcoming year, I prepared a quiz on what you want to read next in the newsletters, if you can take 1 minutes and complete it it would be awesome!


In case you missed it

Again in a manner of continuity Estelle Metayer put together her newsletter by curious minds and this year again I am included in the round up. See my favorites:

👩‍💻 Article - Top 70 newsletter curious minds are reading in 2022 by Estelle Metayer (EN)


Until next time,

Marie-Michele Larivée

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