Can art be a search engine?
What I mean by that is: is it possible to generate strategic thinking and start in-depth research from a work of art?
I believe it is, here's why:
Also because art is not designed in a practical way, but well designed to move, feel and make people think
Art is not factual or equivalent to a percentage in a database, it is difficult to read, which is precisely why it is full of ideas, of inspiration. Art also helps in the research phase to ...
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Current exhibitions to make you think further
🖼️ FUTURES Beacons - Smithsonian Art + Industries Building Washington, D.C
🖼️ The Great Imagination. Histories of the Future - Madrid's Fundacion Telefónica, Madrid
🖼️ Tomorrow's home - Museum of Home, London
🖼️ Grow: The future of Fashion - Good museum, Amsterdam
For those who don't know yet, I am immersed in the start-up universe and specifically in all that is artistic and creative. Research and analysis of new business models and innovative ideas are my daily life. I cannot miss mentioning these two Quebec start-ups that make art shine for longer and differently: ArchivVR& Gallea
Want to explore the future together?
Let's talk |
I'll leave you with this report from CIFS (to which I did not contribute), but full on the subject and leaving this fairly enlightening Instagram post portraying art in the future.
Take advantage of this (crazy) Friday to visit the museum;)
Talk soon
P.S. I will be mailing the traditional holiday greeting cards shortly. Customers, Contributors - Send me your postal addresses 💌
Back after a few weeks of vacation, I had the opportunity to pass through several towns and villages in the Canadian Maritimes, and I was struck by the number of clothing donation boxes in certain municipalities (supporting proof attached). They seem to have become an omnipresent element of the landscape, testifying to a growing trend towards the illusion of donation and 'recycling'. In this edition, we'll explore how the role of thrift stores is evolving, what challenges they face, and how...
De retour après quelques semaines de vacances, j'ai eu l'occasion de traverser plusieurs villes et villages des maritimes canadiennes, et j'ai été frappée par le nombre de boîtes de dons de vêtements dans certaines municipalités (photos à l'appui). Elles semblent être devenues un élément omniprésent du paysage, témoignant d'une tendance croissante vers l'illusion du don, du 'recyclage' et de la seconde main. Dans cette édition, nous allons explorer comment le rôle des friperies évolue, quels...
Comment arrêter de scruter l'horizon et de fermer les yeux pour ne pas trouver de signaux émergents pendant les vacances ? La réponse est simple : c'est impossible. La recherche de signaux faibles est inhérente à certains types de personnalité (toujours en train de rechercher ce qu'il y a de nouveau) ou si vous êtes quelqu'un, comme moi, qui contribue à des réseaux de partage de signaux, vous ne pouvez tout simplement pas vous arrêter. Après avoir discuté avec d'autres experts en tendances et...